ONLY THE RIVER FLOWS - Review by Lachlan Thiele


Only The River Flows is my first Wei Shujun film, and it is now someone I'd like to explore as there were many elements to this film that I absolutely adored. 

First, it's shot on film 😍 which builds a beautiful atmosphere solidified through noir-style lightning and heavy smoking. I'm already on board any time a film noir style is present; only The River Flows is solid throughout the first 80 minutes of the film, as it's fully engulfed in that Crime Noir storytelling. A Cop hunts down a killer, and when an arrest is made and the case can be shut, a thought of 'why' lingers on the officer's mind. 

The plot intrigued me as it flowed into a psychological thriller, sometimes reminding me of Twin Peaks, which is a tremendous compliment for me. However, there is a literal 'BANG' at the minute 80 mark, and the final 20 minutes start going all over the place. I love where the film went during the final moments, involving a 'Twin Peaks' style dream sequence, but the apparent lack of cohesiveness in this last act ultimately disappoints. Pulling my review from a solid 4 stars into a 3.