#39 - Wall-E - Roll That Again

Ewan, Kally & Lachlan talk about the movies they have been watching over the holidays and discuss one of Pixar's most beloved films.

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Skip To: Intro: 0:00 - WWBW Lachlan: 5:35 - Kally 9:40 - Ewan: 13:10 - New Year Movie Goals: 17:25 - Wall-E Spoiler Review: Numbers & Oscars: 20:45 - Lachlan’s Summary of Wall-E & Plot Holes: 25:33 - Review: 28:15 - Ratings: 1:06:54 - Outro: 1:07:54


Catch all our reviews and more podcast episodes on our website: ewangraf.com

Email us at quietonsetpodcast@yahoo.com

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Lachlan: Letterboxd - YouTube - Twitch

Kally: Letterboxd - Twitter - Instagram

#33 - Blade Runner 2049 - Roll That Again

Ewan and Lachlan dive deep into the world of Denis Villeneuve's 2017 sequel of the sci-fi classic Blade Runner. As they go through the film scene by scene, they discuss why this film is one of the favorite films of all time. On What We've Been Watching, Ewan talks about his first experience at a Cinema Horror Night in a local cinema and Lachlan makes us guess what his latest Spielberg was.

Join our Patreon for our exclusive Drunkcast, early episodes, bonus reviews, watch-parties, and much more! www.patreon.com/quietonset

WWBW - Lachlan: The Terminal - Ewan: [REC] - Opera - The Texas Chain Saw Massacre - One Cut of the Dead - Lovecraft County S1 - The Producers - Mank - Singin' in the Rain - Totally Under Control

Catch all our reviews and more podcast episodes on our website: ewangraf.com

Email us at quietonsetpodcast@yahoo.com

Rate and review us on Apple Podcast. It helps out a lot!

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Twitter: @set_quiet

Instagram: @quietonsetpodcast/

Letterboxd: @quietonset/

Ewan: Letterboxd - Twitter - YouTube - Instagram - Twitch

Lachlan: Letterboxd - YouTube - Twitch - Twitter

#31 - Blade Runner - Roll That Again

Ewan & Lachlan tackle Ridley Scott's 1982 sci-fi classic Blade Runner starring Harrison Ford, Sean Young & Rutger Hauer. Furthermore, since we haven't done a What We've Been Watching since early October, there is quite a bit of catching up to do.

Next RTA film: Blade Runner 2049 

Ewan's films: Save Yourselves! - Vagabond - Love and Monsters - Clouds - Rebecca
Lachlan's films: Trial of the Chicago 7 - Portrait of a Lady on Fire - Goldman v. Silverman - Léon: The Professional - Borat Subsequent Moviefilm 

Skip To: Intro: 00:00 - What We've Been Watching Lachlan: 03:09 - Ewan: 09:44 - Blade Runner: 21:40 - Outro: 1:02:05

Catch all our reviews and more podcast episodes on our website: ewangraf.com

Join our Patreon for our exclusive Drunkcast, to get episodes early, watch-parties, and much more! www.patreon.com/quietonset

Email us at quietonsetpodcast@yahoo.com

Please rate and review us on Apple Podcast. It helps out a lot!

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Join our Discord: https://discord.gg/pPsUSZQ

Twitter: @set_quiet

Instagram: @quietonsetpodcast/

Letterboxd: @quietonset/

Ewan: Letterboxd - Twitter - YouTube - Instagram - Twitch

Lachlan: Letterboxd - YouTube - Twitch

Kally: Letterboxd - Twitter - Instagram

Michelle: Letterboxd - Instagram

#19 - Palm Springs

Join Ewan and Kally in their discussion on the time loop comedy PALM SPRINGS that's available on Hulu now. The duo discusses which scenario or event would be the best to be stuck in a time loop, reveal the giveaway winners, and what episodes are coming up next on the Quiet On Set Podcast. Ewan reviews a few 2020 films and Kally talks about her rewatches of Estonian films for an upcoming Deep Dive in Estonia's filmography.

Join in on the discussion and let us know your thoughts on Palm Springs!

SKIP TO: Intro: 00:00 - 

Catch all our reviews and more podcast episodes on our website: ewangraf.com

Twitter: @set_quiet or email us at quietonsetpodcast@yahoo.com

Please rate and review us on Apple Podcast. It helps out a lot!

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Join our Discord: https://discord.gg/qGDfMRs

Twitter: https://twitter.com/set_quiet

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/quietonsetpodcast/

Letterboxd: https://letterboxd.com/quietonset/

Ewan: https://letterboxd.com/EwanGraf/


Kally: https://letterboxd.com/kallyk/

Michelle: https://letterboxd.com/zehtielft/