#65 - CODA, Beckett and The Kissing Booth 3

Ewan is back this week and he's got a lot to share from his time at the Locarno Film Festival. Lachlan and Kally are also back to check out trailers for Cry Macho, A Journal for Jordan, and Prisoners of the Ghostland. In the news, we got the Scarlett Johansson v Disney lawsuit and Idris Elba as the red echidna Knuckles in the Sonic sequel. Kally has been on a rewatch spree and Lachlan makes us guess which of half of the four films he watched this week were chosen by his girlfriend. Ewan's got reviews for new releases Beckett, Jungle Cruise & Vivo + the abysmal conclusion to the Kissing Booth saga. Finally, Lachlan and Ewan got a spoiler review for the new AppleTV+ exclusive CODA.

#65 - CODA, Beckett and The Kissing Booth 3
Quiet On Set Podcast

Check out our highlights channel on YouTube

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The Kissing Booth 3


Intro: 0:00 - Locarno Banter: 1:18 - Lachlan & Kally guess the lie: 5:05


Trailers: A Journal for Jordan: 10:00 - Cry Macho: 12:28 - Prisoners of the Ghostland: 15:26

Stories: Johannson v Disney: 18:49 - Idris Elba as Knuckles: 24:01 - Venom 2 pushed to October: 26:10

New Releases: 26:38 Fri Aug 20: Annette - Cryptozoo - Demonic - Paw Patron: The Movie -Reminiscence - Sweet Girl - The Night House - The Protégé


Lachlan: 27:31 Raiders of the Lost Ark, Independence Day, Fifty Shades of Grey, Fifty Shades Darker

Kally: Inside: 30:50 - Birds of Prey: 34:12 - The Perfect Man: 35:04

The Kissing Booth 3: 36:00

Ewan: Beckett: 42:50 - Vivo: 44:33 - Jungle Cruise: 46:00


Non Spoiler: 48:14

Spoiler Review: 50:47 - AppleTV+: 53:43

Ratings, Next Week & Outro: 1:04:23

Catch all our reviews and more podcast episodes on our website: ewangraf.com

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#63 - Old, The Green Knight & Pig

Ewan and Lachlan discuss M. Night Shyamalan's new film OLD. Lachlan shares his thoughts on the Nicholas Cage led PIG and Ewan talks about A24's THE GREEN KNIGHT. They also got trailer discussions for LAMB, DUNE, VIVO, FLAG DAY, HOUSE OF GUCCI & THE CARD COUNTER.

#63 - Old, The Green Knight & Pig
Quiet On Set

Check out our highlights channel on YouTube

Join our Patreon for our exclusive Drunkcast, to get episodes early, watch parties, and much more! www.patreon.com/quietonset


Intro: 0:00


Trailers: Lamb: 2:30 - Dune: 6:11 - Vivo: 12:13 - Flag Day: 14:40 - House of Gucci: 15:57 - The Card Counter: 21:47

Stories: Hawkeye Series Release Date: 23:37 - Venice Film Festival & TIFF Line-Up: 24:30 - NOPE Casting News: 26:34

New Releases: 27:15 - July 30: Jungle Cruise / Stillwater / The Green Knight / Nine Days - Aug 6: John and the Hole / Naked Singularity / The Suicide Squad / Vivo / Val


Lachlan: Pig : 29:23

Ewan: How to Sell Drugs Online (Fast) S3: 34:06 - Zola: 37:04 - The Green Knight: 38:48

Bonus Reviews on Patreon for Gunpowder Milkshake, The Hitman's Bodyguard's Wife, Love, Victor S1+2, Love, Simon, and more!


Non Spoiler: 42:39

Spoiler Review: 48:47

Ratings, Next Week & Outro: 1:11:57

Catch all our reviews and more podcast episodes on our website: ewangraf.com

Email us at quietonsetpodcast@yahoo.com

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TikTok: @quietonsetpodcast

Ewan: Letterboxd - Twitter - YouTube - Instagram

Lachlan: Letterboxd - YouTube