MAY DECEMBER is Deliciously Awkward

It's that time of the year when the films that premiered at Cannes finally release for all audiences worldwide and among them is this week's movie May December. Ewan shares his love for Todd Haynes filmmaking while Lachlan loved the movie more for its technical achievements rather than narrative ones. Ewan also caught some Christmas-themed movies like The Holdovers and «It's a Wonderful Knife» and they both sat through the horrible Family Switch, why? - they still don't know. Lachlan (re)watched a couple more Ridley Scott movies including Thelma & Louise and Gladiator and is very excited for the live-action Fallout series that just premiered its first trailer. Finally, Furiosa, The Boys Season 4, and House of the Dragon Season 2 all premiered their first trailers this week.